The Heart of Hearing Awards Veteran with Free Hearing Aids and Audiology Appointments at Annual Golf Tournament
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (October 28, 2024) - The Heart of Hearing, a Middle Tennessee-based nonprofit organization, proudly announced the recipient of its seventh set of hearing aids and accompanying audiologist appointments. The announcement was made at the nonprofit's annual fundraiser, Tee It Up with The Heart of Hearing on Monday, October 28, in Nashville.
The deserving recipient, John Kuykendall, is a veteran who lives in Middle Tennessee. John's journey with hearing loss began during a deployment in 2009-2010 when he first noticed the effects of tinnitus and the gradual loss of hearing while on active duty. According to the Mayo Clinic, tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears.
Today, John is dedicated to impacting the lives at DeerRun Christian Camp, where hearing aids will allow him to better engage in uninterrupted gospel conversations with kids and build deeper connections with the camp staff. These aids will also help him stay situationally aware, ensuring a safe, welcoming place for kids to learn and grow.
“This tournament isn’t just about raising funds; it’s about raising awareness and bringing life-changing resources to those in need,” said Meaghan Thomas, founder and president of The Heart of Hearing. “Stories like John’s inspire us to keep pushing forward. Hearing loss doesn’t just affect individuals—it affects families, careers and communities. Through this event, we’re building a stronger, more connected Middle Tennessee, one recipient at a time.”
The nonprofit's annual Tee It Up with The Heart of Hearing golf tournament not only serves as the organization’s largest fundraising event of the year but also as an opportunity to unite the community in support of Middle Tennesseans between the ages of 20 and 45 who face financial barriers to hearing care. This year’s tournament raised thousands of dollars, directly funding hearing aids and audiologist appointments for its recipients.
The Heart of Hearing extends its gratitude to all participants, sponsors and volunteers who made the event possible. The continued success of Tee It Up with The Heart of Hearing is a testament to the generosity and commitment of the Middle Tennessee community.
About The Heart of Hearing:
The Heart of Hearing is a Middle Tennessee-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing hearing aids and accompanying audiologist appointments to young professionals with hearing loss who cannot afford them. Since its establishment in 2021, The Heart of Hearing has been committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals in Middle Tennessee, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status. For more information, please visit www.heartofhearing.org or follow The Heart of Hearing on social media.